The CLP network started in March 2019 to make it easier to share knowledge and experiences on how to comply with current legislation and work safely and sustainably with substances or mixtures that are hazardous to health, the environment or pose physical hazards.
Within the CLP network, for example, current issues are discussed:
As a participant, you get the opportunity to meet colleagues in the industry for discussion and networking, and you also have the opportunity to influence the content and design of SSG's range in the area, such as the standard SSG 7650E - Piping – recommendations for the selection, classification and inspection of materials and components.
Among the participants in the network are both members of the Pipe Engineering Committee and other people who are interested in these issues, such as people who work with work environment, labeling and legislation.
Are you interested in joining the network? Then register your interest in the form below. The network gathers twice a year through a digital meeting, and it is free to join. As a participant in the network, you are expected to follow SSG's Competition Guidelines to ensure competitive neutrality.