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News, customer cases, topics and portraits that impact on day-to-day operations in industry can be found here.
Foreign employers without a permanent establishment in Sweden is required to deduct tax on payment for work carried out in Sweden.
According to EiiF, the EU's CO2 emissions can be reduced by 40 Mt each year if VDI 4610, energy class C became a minimum requirement for...
“Our projects would have been both more expensive and more time-consuming without SSG7650,” says Marcus Nyström.
“Not everyone reads their email, and I think an app makes it easier to make people aware of this kind of unplanned information that we want...
We are grateful that someone else makes sure that laws and best practice solutions are kept up to date the whole time.
“It doesn’t matter what we build in our industrial environment, down the years we’ve learnt to use SSG’s surface protection standard as...
“Most of our major suppliers are often subscribers to SSG Standards, and they’re very familiar with them," says Per Asplund.
“It’s an advantage if many mills use SSG On site. It makes it easier for contractors and for us out at the plants to make greater use of...
“This is an incredibly good, easy-to-use tool to communicate essential safety information as well as news about important events at the...