Standard Solutions Group

The European Industrial Insulation Foundation (EiiF) has in its white paper Decarbonising Industry with Rapid Payback – How mandatory requirements for industrial insulation will deliver 10% to reach the EU’s 2030 energy efficiency target, demonstrated that with the help of existing technology, the industry can make a difference to the climate. The White Paper shows that SSG's standard SSG7591is the most effective standard in the insulation of pipelines and ventilation ducts in Europe, something that Christer Wallin, committee process leader at SSG is very proud of. 

In the White Paper, EiiF reports that improved insulation standards can reduce energy emissions by 14 million tonnes of oil equivalent (Mtoe) in European industry, which has the potential to reduce EU CO2 emissions by 40 Megatons (Mt) each year. To meet the target, it requires all major players in the industry to contribute, this also includes the EU's industrial and energy supply, which accounts for 49% of emissions within the EU.

SSG7591 makes a difference to the climate

According to EiiF, the EU's CO2 emissions can be reduced by 40 Mt each year if VDI 4610 energy class C (see Table 1), became a minimum requirement for industrial insulation. It would save 14 Mtoe of energy, which corresponds to 10% of the EU's energy efficiency targets by 2030. The White Paper highlights SSG's standards as the best in all of Europe.

- I understood that the standard was good and accepted in Swedish industry, but that it was so highly valued among others in Europe was a gratifying message. This makes me think about the question; how can we make it even better and reach class A according to the measurement method VDI 4610/1.

Table 1: The Performance Level of Insulation in Europe (Source: EiiF White Paper 2020)

The committee's hard work is behind the success of SSG7591

SSG's pipe system committee works with standardization and investigates new services within pipe systems and pressurized devices. Important criteria during the work are precisely the work environment, operational safety, and maintenance. The Committee is constantly aware of the needs of industry and working groups meet several times a year to revise and develop standards.

- It is thanks to our competent members of the Piping System Committee and their network of contacts who have created the working group, AGR8-Insulation of pipe systems and tanks, consisting of customers, manufacturers, and suppliers. The experts in the working group have worked together, while maintaining competitive neutrality, to develop a common solution for the insulation of pipelines, canals, and cisterns in the Swedish industry.

Risks with declining knowledge about insulation

According to EiiF's White Paper, several factors have contributed to European industry tending to insulate less, rather than implementing more energy-efficient and insulating systems. Operations want to reduce the costs of investment and maintenance work, knowledge of insulation and its effects has fallen and also that budget responsibility is divided between energy and maintenance budget is seen as a factor.

Great potential with existing technology

If the large industries within the EU were to act, it would result in several benefits, not only for the climate but also for the EU and industry. EiiF makes it clear in its white paper that Insulation Technology already exists, it just has to start being used.

- I can only hope that more people choose SSG7591 in their work to reduce carbon dioxide emissions and at the same time save energy. For a sustainable Europe, I would like more European countries to use the standard and not just here in Sweden, Christer Wallin concludes.

Background facts

SSG7591 - Insulation of pipelines, ventilation ducts, certain flues, etc., and containers.
The document provides instructions for the choice of insulation material, insulation thickness, insulation design as well as the choice of surface cladding material and the surface cladding's design regarding pipelines, ventilation ducts, certain flue ducts, and containers. The service is currently used by 56 customers and has been downloaded over 400 times.

European Industrial Insulation Foundation (EiiF)
EiiF is a neutral and non-profit institution that draws attention to isolation through a top-of-mind method to improve sustainability and profitability. Since its founding, EiiF has established itself as an asset for industries that need to reduce CO2 emissions and save energy. Their activities increase awareness of the growing needs and benefits of insulation.
