Standard Solutions Group

Östrands pulp mill in Sundsvall, which belongs to SCA, has been using SSG On site since early June in order to gather information about the plant. A lot goes on at a large plant, and things can change quickly. This is why it is important to be able to reach out to the people on site with the right information at the right time.

“We use information screens out at the plant, but being able to push out messages quickly has presented us with a challenge,” says Ida Karlsson, work environment engineer at Östrands pulp mill. “Not everyone reads their email, and I think an app makes it easier to make people aware of this kind of unplanned information that we want to issue quickly.”

Although the company has only been using the app for a couple of weeks, a lot of information has already been gathered there. Arrival information, safety information, a site map showing important locations and opening hours are all available, and the always popular lunch menu has also been added.

“We think things are going well with SSG On site, and we want it to be the central location for updated information about our protection and safety work,” says Ida Karlsson. “We used a different app before, but it was fairly static and nowhere near as easy to administer. This is a further step in our development, and moreover contractors are used to using SSG On site from their work at other plants.”

A major stoppage between weeks 41 and 43 has been planned for the autumn. Until then, attempts are being made to persuade as many people as possible to download the app; and a competition is just one of the features being used to encourage them.

“We have recently launched a competition with the use of QR codes in the app in order to persuade people to download it. We are focusing on the autumn stoppage, by which time we have to have as many users as possible.”