Out of almost 90 nominated entries, the SSG Entre Basic course was one of the finalists and competed in the category Uppskill/Reskill of the Year. The Swedish Learning Awards are organized annually to highlight Sweden's best educational solutions.
The SSG Entre Basic Course is a stalwart of SSG's course offering. Since its initial launch, over 400,000 entrepreneurs have taken the digital safety course to learn the basics of health and safety in the industry. The purpose and goal of the course are still the same, but as the pedagogical approach, technology, and tone of voice were becoming outdated, SGG started an extensive effort to modernize the popular course in early 2022.
- We set up a working group to analyze feedback from 17,000-course participants, and at the same time, we conducted in-depth interviews and surveys with work environment experts from the Swedish industry. This data became the basis for making the course more user-friendly and appealing structurally, pedagogically, and technically, says Linnéa Medelberg, group manager for SSG's e-learning department.
For a year, the team worked in close cooperation with representatives from the Swedish industry to update the course. At the beginning of the year 2022-2023, it was time for a new launch. The course is still based on the same standard, but some adjustments have been made to the knowledge objectives.
– But the biggest difference for the learner is the packaging of the course, both in terms of content and visuals. Providing an appealing course on health and safety, a subject that many may perceive as difficult and heavy, to a wide audience is a challenge. But by using a personal approach, extensive visuals, and interactive elements, we have tried to meet the needs of both the industry and course participants.
One change in the course is the emotional introductory film. It sets the tone for the whole course and the idea is to make participants feel that their time is well invested.
”The course is very well designed compared to previous versions! Easy to understand and it is nice to be able to stop, go back, reread.”
– Quote from a course participant.
Being a finalist in the Swedish Learning Awards is a feather in SSG's cap.
– Our entry was judged by a renowned jury against many other entries from completely different sectors and conditions. It was great meeting the other finalists at a major conference on education, change management, and knowledge transfer.
SSG actively monitors developments in learning and education and is constantly looking for innovations and solutions that can improve both the course offerings and the user experience. The content of the courses will continue to be developed in close cooperation with the industry.
– The whole idea of SSG is that we should work together to find solutions to common problems that exist throughout the industry. Cooperation is key here, and the Entre Basic course is a great example of how well it works.
Even though they did not win the competition, Linnéa says that the SSG Entre Basic course is already a winner. The feedback from the course participants speaks volumes and shows that the course makes a difference.
– There are far too many workplace accidents in Sweden, and industry is no exception. By offering knowledge, among other things, we at SSG want to contribute to more people coming home unharmed at the end of the working day. 94 percent of course participants say that they will work more safely after completing the SSG Entre Basic course. That, if anything, is a win.
Linnea Medelberg is the team leader for the SSG's e-learning department.
SLA is the leading network in Sweden in learning, development, and change, where learning is at the core. It is a completely non-profit organization, which aims to offer members an exclusive network with a unique competence to develop forms of competence development and change management.
The association was founded in 2002 and currently has around 50 member companies. They have members from industry, public administration, and organizations.
The Swedish Learning Awards aims to shine the spotlight on Sweden's best education buyers, solutions, and suppliers. The competition will move the Swedish education industry forward in terms of impact, ideas, quality, and technology. A place in the Swedish Learning Awards will be worn with pride and inspire others. Companies and organizations should experience the impact of education at its best.
Read more about SLA here: swelearn.se