Standard Solutions Group

SSG Supplier, the SSG service that makes supplier assessment even easier and automatically matches suppliers meeting the client’s requirements, is now available.

“We reckon SSG Supplier will help to make industry more efficient,” says Linn Folke, service owner for SSG Supplier.

Traditionally, supplier assessment has involved a great deal of administration. Suppliers are used to have to submit details such as their corporation tax certificates and creditworthiness ratings to their clients on paper. They had to send the same details to all their clients, but these details could rapidly become obsolete. This work was digitised when the SSG Registered Supplier service was launched in 2012. This allowed suppliers to submit the details once via an online interface so that they could be accessed by all. SSG Supplier, which simplifies the purchasing process when automatic supplier assessment has been added for clients, is now available.

“Supplier assessment used to involve a lot of paperwork,” says Linn Folke, service owner for SSG Supplier. This was something we resolved with SSG Registered Supplier. Now SSG Supplier makes life even easier, as the service automatically approves suppliers according to clients’ requirements.”

As before, suppliers submit their details to SSG Supplier online. The details are available to clients straight away and are easy to keep up to date as the service monitors validity periods and provides notification when information needs to be updated. Links to external information sources also allow some information to be updated automatically. SSG Supplier works on the basis of clients’ predefined requirements to select which suppliers – contracting companies, for example – meet the requirements and are therefore approved.

“The system matches suppliers to the specifications entered by a client,” says Linn Folke. The suppliers who meet the requirements are shown in the service as being approved. This makes one element of the supplier assessment process a lot quicker for people working with purchasing, regardless of industry and organisation.

Greater control together with SSG Access

The link with SSG Access, SSG’s access control service, is another new function in SSG Supplier. This means that plants can make sure contracting companies meet requirements at corporate level in respect of indemnity insurance for their contractors, for instance – and ensure that individuals have completed a safety course such as SSG Entre.

“This link is absolutely unique,” says Linn Folke. “For instance, what if a contractor is working on a site and there is an accident? Does the contractor have indemnity insurance? With SSG Supplier, plants can see that contracting companies meet requirements even before they turn up, and that contractors are prepared for their work. This reduces risks and provides greater control.”

Substantial work behind the system

Production of SSG Supplier has taken place in close cooperation with customers.

“We have been working in close cooperation with customers – both suppliers and clients – throughout the entire process,” says Linn Folke. We have focused closely on devising a good interface that is easy to work with, and we hope customers will notice just how simple the service is when they work with it. We reckon SSG Supplier will help to make industry more efficient!”