Standard Solutions Group

2019 is set to be an exciting year for SSG Registrerad leverantör when the service becomes SSG Supplier. Users stand to receive a major benefit when supplier assessment in SSG Supplier is merged with project staffing in SSG Access high.

“Using SSG services together is a major strength,” says Linn Folke, service owner for SSG Registrerad leverantör.

SSG Registrerad leverantör is a service for monitoring suppliers and contractors. It allows suppliers and contractors to submit information about their companies – insurance details, certificates and suchlike. Industrial plants can then review this information and assess whether the supplier or contractor meets the requirements defined by the plant.

This service, which has been available since 2012, will be taking its next big step in 2019 with a change of name to SSG Supplier.

“We’re giving SSG Registrerad leverantör a massive boost and marking the occasion with a name change,” says Linn Folke, service owner. “We want to make things easier, enhance quality and reduce administration for industry, as well as for suppliers and contracting companies. When this service was launched, users saved a lot of time by just doing away with paperwork. But there’s more to be done, and that work is starting now.”

Link with SSG Access high means even greater security

One major new feature is the fact that SSG Supplier is being linked with SSG Access high, which is a major benefit. SSG Access high is a service for project staffing, allowing industrial plants to register projects and staff them with contracting companies set up in the system. Plants will now be able to see in the same view whether their contracting companies meet their requirements in terms of the company itself, and they can also check that project contractors have the right expertise.

“This will add another dimension to supplier monitoring,” says Linn Folke. “Plants can minimise risks and enhance safety still further by ensuring that contracting companies have the right insurance and are registered for corporation tax, along with anything else required for approval. Furthermore, plants can guarantee that their contractors, the individuals, have the expertise required in order to get the job done. This will allow the plants to perform quality assurance on a number of levels.”

There are major advantages to be had when two systems interact.

“This is a major benefit,” says Linn Folke. “Linking two good systems together will reduce administration and give our customers control at a number of levels, both corporate and individual. Using SSG services together is a major strength.”

This function, together with SSG Access high, is expected to be released in the fourth quarter of 2018, along with a new interface.

Customer communication influences development

The forthcoming SSG Supplier is being developed in partnership with users of the services. Workshops with customers, questionnaire surveys and prototype development are just a few elements of this project. Customers’ wishes and views form an important part of future development.

“We’re working with demand-controlled development,” says Linn Folke. “We maintain communication with users and are developing the functions that they request most frequently. One thing we’re looking at now is that the service should automatically approve suppliers that meet a number of basic requirements, instead of the industry user having to go in and approve them manually. We can reduce administration still further if we create a higher level of automation, while also enhancing quality and control.”